Marriott Shanghai Ding Shan Lake


  • Location: Zhujiajiao, China

Project Information

Accentuated by a distinctive cultural heritage and indigenous flair, the architecture of the Marriott Ding Shan Lake blends in with details that are true to elegance, tradition and culture. Through the integration of varied massing and textural materials, the Resort will stand out as an iconic part of the lakescape that personifies the spirit of Zhujiajiao and its local allure. JWDA takes the approach of simplicity to evoke the grandeur of an exclusive corporate retreat. The refined stone finishes of travertine, granite and turquoise, coupled with a crisp rectilinear layout, exude a sense of dignity and establishment.  The courtyards provide a sense of introverted privacy while the lakeside is always open to a panoramic views. JWDA has won the competition and is now fine-tuning its design for government review and approval.